//Breguet 1150 Atlantic I FD Files Ver 1.1, 18 Dec 04 
title=Breguet 1150 Atlantic I, Flottille 23F 
sim=Atlantic I
ui_manufacturer=M.Dassault Breguet
ui_variation=Atlantic I, French Navy, 23F of Lann-Bihoué Navy Base
Description=Breguet (later Dassault-Breguet) designed the 1150 Atlantic maritime patrol aircraft to meet a 1958 NATO specification. The prototype first flew on 21 October 1961. Initial orders were for 40 aircraft for France and 20 for Germany. The last of these was completed in 1968. Later, The Netherlands ordered nine aircraft and Italy 18. Three French aircraft were sold to Pakistan in 1975.\nModel by Massimo Taccoli. Panel By Jean-Pierre Langer.  Flight Dynamics by Dennis Seeley.

title=Breguet 1150 Atlantic I,Flottille 24F 
sim=Atlantic I
ui_manufacturer=M.Dassault Breguet
ui_variation=Atlantic I French Navy, 24F of Lann-Bihoué Navy Base
Description=Breguet (later Dassault-Breguet) designed the 1150 Atlantic maritime patrol aircraft to meet a 1958 NATO specification. The prototype first flew on 21 October 1961. Initial orders were for 40 aircraft for France and 20 for Germany. The last of these was completed in 1968. Later, The Netherlands ordered nine aircraft and Italy 18. Three French aircraft were sold to Pakistan in 1975.\nModel by Massimo Taccoli. Panel By Jean-Pierre Langer.  Flight Dynamics by Dennis Seeley.

Performance=Length: 104 ft 1.5 in.\nHeight: 37 ft 1.75 in.\nWing Span: 119 ft 1.25 in.\nWing Area: 1295.33 sq ft.\nWgts: Empty 55,115 lb, MTO 98,104 lb.\nEngines: Two RR Tyne R.Ty.20 Mk 21.\nPower: 6,105 ehp each.\nMax Level Speed: 409 mph at high altitude.\nMax Cruise Speed: 363 mph TAS at 19,685 ft.\nStall Speed (76,500 lb): Clean: 119 mph IAS. Full flaps: 100 mph IAS.\nInitial Climb: 2,450 fpm\nService Ceiling: 32,800 ft.\nRange: 5,590 mi.\nEndurance: 18 hrs at 195 mph patrol speed. 

cruise_lift_scalar			=1.0 
parasite_drag_scalar		=1.0 
induced_drag_scalar			=1.0 
elevator_effectiveness		=1.0 
aileron_effectiveness		=1.0 
rudder_effectiveness		=1.0 
elevator_trim_effectiveness	=1.0 
aileron_trim_effectiveness	=1.0 
rudder_trim_effectiveness	=1.0 
pitch_stability				=1.0 
roll_stability				=1.0 
yaw_stability				=1.0 
hi_alpha_on_roll           = 1.0


// ACM V2.5
max_gross_weight 				= 98104
empty_weight 					= 55115
reference_datum_position 		= 0.3, 0, -0.43
empty_weight_CG_position 		= -2, 0, 0.25
empty_weight_pitch_MOI 			= 609848.9
empty_weight_roll_MOI 			= 334635.4
empty_weight_yaw_MOI 			= 920616.3
empty_weight_coupled_MOI 		= 0
CG_forward_limit 				= 1.0
CG_aft_limit 					= -1.0
max_number_of_stations 			= 2

station_load.0 = 170.0, 22.4, -2.5, 3.6, Pilot
station_load.1 = 170.0, 22.4,  2.5, 3.6, Co-pilot


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3,  -2.024,  59.80,  3.46, 	fx_navgre
light.1 = 3,  -2.024, -59.80,  3.46,	fx_navred
light.2 = 3, -58.290,   0.00,  6.79,	fx_navwhi
light.3 = 1,  -3.390,   0.00,  9.33,	fx_beacon
light.4 = 2,  -3.050,  60.20,  3.46,	fx_strobeh
light.5 = 2,  -3.050, -60.20,  3.46,	fx_strobeh
light.6 = 8,   0.328,  27.65,  0.203,	fx_navwhih
light.7 = 8,   0.328, -27.65,  0.203,	fx_navwhih


//0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
engine_type 		= 5
fuel_flow_scalar 	= 0.85
min_throttle_limit	= -0.25
engine.0 			= 15.46,  14.75, 0.25
engine.1 			= 15.46, -14.75, 0.25

wake 				= fx_wake
water 				= fx_spray
dirt 				= fx_tchdrt
concrete 			= fx_sparks
touchdown 			= fx_tchdwn_s, 1
windshield_rain_effect_available = 1


//Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)

fuel_type = 2
number_of_tank_selectors = 1
electric_pump = 1

LeftMain = -1.5, -20, 0.25, 1545, 0
LeftAux = -1.5, -30, 0.25, 1545, 0
RightMain = -1.5, 20, 0.25, 1545, 0
RightAux = -1.5, 30, 0.25, 1545, 0

static_pitch 			= -0.5
static_cg_height 		= 10
tailwheel_lock 			= 0
gear_system_type 		= 1
max_number_of_points 	= 7

point.0 = 1,  26.5,    0,     -9.5,  1574, 0, 1.18, 45,   0.275, 2.5,  0.675, 9,   9,   0, 200,    200
point.1 = 1,  -4.75, -14.75, -10,    1574, 1, 1.9,   0,   0.657, 1.25, 0.433, 8,   8,   2, 200,    200
point.2 = 1,  -4.75,  14.75, -10,    1574, 2, 1.9,   0,   0.657, 1.25, 0.433, 8,   8,   3, 200,    200
point.3 = 2,  -4.50, -60.17,   3.90, 1574, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.000, 0.0,  0.000, 0.0, 0.0, 5,   0.0,   0.0
point.4 = 2,  -4.50,  60.17,   3.90, 1574, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.000, 0.0,  0.000, 0.0, 0.0, 6,   0.0,   0.0
point.5 = 2, -73.40,   0.00,   4.40, 1574, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.000, 0.0,  0.000, 0.0, 0.0, 9,   0.0,   0.0
point.6 = 2,  31.80,   0.00,   0.36, 1574, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.000, 0.0,  0.000, 0.0, 0.0, 4,   0.0,   0.0

elevator 			= 100.0, 180.0
aileron 			= 200.0, 1000.0
rudder 				= 200.0, 1000.0


wing_area 					= 1295.370
wing_span 					= 119.100
wing_root_chord 			= 15.333
wing_dihedral 				= 3.600
wing_incidence 				= 1.500
wing_twist 					= -2.500
oswald_efficiency_factor 	= 0.750
wing_winglets_flag 			= 0
wing_sweep 					= 5.600
wing_pos_apex_lon 			= 3.833
wing_pos_apex_vert 			= 0.000
htail_area 					= 349.700
htail_span 					= 40.354
htail_pos_lon 				= -39.292
htail_pos_vert 				= 6.750
htail_incidence 			= 0.000
htail_sweep 				= 16.500
vtail_area 					= 179.100
vtail_span 					= 16.083
vtail_sweep 				= 19.500
vtail_pos_lon 				= -41.958
vtail_pos_vert 				= 8.167
elevator_area 				= 89.100
aileron_area 				= 58.000
rudder_area 				= 64.100
elevator_up_limit 			= 27.000
elevator_down_limit 		= 27.000
aileron_up_limit 			= 21.000
aileron_down_limit 			= 15.000
rudder_limit 				= 21.000
elevator_trim_limit 		= 30.000
spoiler_limit 				= 90.000
aileron_to_spoileron_gain 	= 0.000
spoiler_handle_available 	= 1
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons = 0.000
min_flaps_for_spoilerons 	= 0.000
spoilerons_available 		= 1

max_battery_voltage 				= 24
generator_alternator_voltage 		= 28
max_generator_alternator_amps 		= 200
engine_generator_map 				= 1,1
electric_always_available 			= 0
flap_motor 							= 0, 5, 17
gear_motor 							= 0, 5, 17
autopilot 							= 0, 5, 17
avionics_bus 						= 0, 5, 17
avionics 							= 1, 5, 17
pitot_heat 							= 0, 2, 17
additional_system 					= 0, 2, 17
marker_beacon 						= 1, 2, 17
gear_warning 						= 0, 2, 17
fuel_pump 							= 0, 5, 17
starter1 							= 0, 20, 17
light_nav 							= 0, 5, 17
light_beacon 						= 0, 5, 17
light_landing 						= 0, 5, 17
light_taxi 							= 0, 5, 17
light_strobe 						= 0, 5, 17
light_panel 						= 0, 5, 17

parking_brake   			= 1
toe_brakes_scale			= 0.75

eyepoint					=10.5, -1.0, 3.0 

type          =   1
system_type   =   0
lift_scalar   =   1.0
drag_scalar   =   1.0
pitch_scalar  =   1.0
span-outboard =   0.75
extending-time=   4.0
damaging-speed= 230.0
blowout-speed = 300.0
flaps-position.0=  0.0,   0.0
flaps-position.1= 15.0, 230.0
flaps-position.2= 25.0, 200.0
flaps-position.3= 40.0, 150.0

afterburner_available	=0 
fuel_flow_gain			=0.011 
inlet_area				=0.825 
rated_N2_rpm			=14500.000 
static_thrust			=1065.000 

max_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar =     1.0
idle_rpm_mechanical_efficiency_scalar=     1.0
max_rpm_friction_scalar              =     1.0
idle_rpm_friction_scalar             =     1.0
maximum_torque						=29373.0 

thrust_scalar						=1.0 
propeller_type						=0 
prop_sync_available					=1 
prop_deice_available				=1 
prop_feathering_available			=1 
prop_auto_feathering_available		=1 
defeathering_accumulators_available	=0 
propeller_blades					=4 
propeller_diameter					=16 
propeller_moi						=40.000 
beta_max							=55.000 
beta_min							=20.000 
min_gov_rpm							=700.000 
prop_tc								=0.001 
gear_reduction_ratio				=15.625 
fixed_pitch_beta					=0.000 
low_speed_theory_limit				=80.000 
min_rpm_for_feather					=700.000 
beta_feather						=88.000 
power_absorbed_cf					=0.900 
minimum_on_ground_beta				=10.000 
prop_reverse_available				=0.250 
minimum_reverse_beta				=-14.000 

Audio.1		=1 
Com.1		=1, 0 
Com.2		=1, 0 
Nav.1		=1, 0, 1 
Nav.2		=1, 0, 1 
Adf.1		=1 
Marker.1	=1 

electric_pumps  = 1
engine_map      = 1,1,0,0
normal_pressure = 3000.0

number_of_exits = 2
exit_rate.0     = 0.4
exit_rate.1     = 0.6

//used for Radar radome up and down movement
tailhook_length   		= 1	;(feet)
cable_force_adjust		= 1.0
tailhook_position 		= 5.183, 0.0, -5.62

gear_warning_available=  1
pct_throttle_limit    =  0.0
flap_limit_idle       = 10.0
flap_limit_power      = 30.0

type					=2
stick_shaker			=1

vertical_speed_time_constant = 1.0
pitot_heat					=1.000000

direction_indicator.0		=3,0 

attitude_indicator.0		= 1 

turn_indicator.0			= 1,0

airspeed_indicator.0		= 1, 0

default_pitch_mode                  = 0
default_bank_mode                   = 0
autothrottle_arming_required        = 0
autothrottle_takeoff_ga             =     1.00
autothrottle_max_rpm                =   110.00
max_throttle_rate                   =     0.001
max_pitch                           =    10.00
max_pitch_acceleration              =     1.00
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt           =     2.00
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt           =     1.50
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint= 20000.00
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint= 28000.00
max_bank                            =    25.00
max_bank_acceleration               =     1.80
max_bank_velocity                   =     3.00
yaw_damper_gain                     =     1.00
nav_proportional_control            =    11.00
nav_integrator_control              =     0.20
nav_derivative_control              =     0.00
nav_integrator_boundary             =     2.50
nav_derivative_boundary             =     0.00
gs_proportional_control             =     9.52
gs_integrator_control               =     0.26
gs_derivative_control               =     0.00
gs_integrator_boundary              =     0.70
gs_derivative_boundary              =     0.00

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed				=86.0 
full_flaps_stall_speed				=76.0 
cruise_speed						=300.0 
max_indicated_speed     			= 355.0
max_mach                			=   0.7

max_pressure						=5.150000
vacuum_type							=2
electric_backup_pressure			=0.000000
engine_map							=0,0,0,0

max_pressure						=18.000000
bleed_air_scalar					=0.150000

structural_deice_type				=0

gear_bump_nose_magnitude = 3000
gear_bump_nose_direction = 18000
gear_bump_nose_duration = 250000
gear_bump_left_magnitude = 2700
gear_bump_left_direction = 9000
gear_bump_left_duration = 250000
gear_bump_right_magnitude = 2700
gear_bump_right_direction = 27000
gear_bump_right_duration = 250000
ground_bumps_magnitude1 = 1300
ground_bumps_angle1 = 08900
ground_bumps_intercept1 = 3.0
ground_bumps_slope1 = 0.2
ground_bumps_magnitude2 = 200
ground_bumps_angle2 = 09100
ground_bumps_intercept2 = 1.075
ground_bumps_slope2 = 0.035
crash_magnitude1 = 10000
crash_direction1 = 01000
crash_magnitude2 = 10000
crash_direction2 = 9000
crash_period2 = 75000
crash_duration2 = 2500000
stick_shaker_magnitude = 5000
stick_shaker_direction = 0
stick_shaker_period = 111111